The Course

Well it's finally here. Between May 18 2024 and May 18 2025 I am taking a break from teaching the Practitioners course and focusing on individuals who'd like to apply this wisdom in ALL areas of life. Mainly, because I've been in this work long enough to see the results and how this really works.

Through this work, I have been elevated in a lot of ways and I have been called to other assignments which is a reflection of the work I've been doing on myself, and I'm really excited and grateful.

This class is in honor of my 40th cycle around the sun. I have had a beautiful journey going through the Pillars of Tantra from an Afro/Indigenous Perspective and in this stage in life it's time for me to complete another cycle. To be clear, although this wisdom is rooted in Afro/Indigenous wisdom, it's welcome to ALL people who desire to learn.

In the meantime I am offering this course for 40% off of the original price ($2200). Along with online videos you'll have access to POP UP live classes as well as exclusive recordings. For those who are actively enrolled you're going to be invited to private workshops and sanctuaries to practice what you've learned with other like minded individuals.

This work has elevated me on so many levels, and right now, my time and attention is being called to something major, and i want to give it the time and attention that's due.

What is the MasterMind Exclusive?

When designing this course, I meticulously gathered ALL of the case studies from the sessions I've done with high achieving professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Many of them being THE FIRST in their families to accomplish such a fate. One of the reasons, this class is so important is because it is inspired by MANY of us who are outgrowing or have outgrown old belief systems, social circles, behaviors etc. that will hinder us in going to the next level of our version of success.

One of the main reasons I am personally taking a break from teaching the classes I've taught all of these years, is because I want to focus on those who are working on catalyzing their BIG VISION to a reality....and we want to create a space for us to not only overcome these blockages, but also mastermind, connect, and network with individuals who can relate to our personal development journey while being inspired to expand in their professional/business efforts.

I am grateful to welcome many successful (doing better than me) entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals who have went through some of this work and they can give you a real live testimony into their journey and how this work has helped them further reach their goals.

Each lesson in this course will address all Pillars with a focus in activating the creatives, changemakers, and innovators who are ready to STOP PLAYING SMALL.

Transmutation of Trauma

Allowing the MEMORY in your DNA to activate within. We simply serve as conduits for each other.

Aligning with Life Path & Purpose

Clarity prevents confusion. That way you can make better decisions when it comes to where your direct your focus and energy.

Your Version of Wealth

Wealth is more than money, however, when there are blockages, it's a challenge for the universe to give what's meant for you. Wealth affects your Health and vice versa.

Holistic Sexology & Intimacy

Singles & Couples began to experience a natural expansion of energy. With our WITHOUT touch. Rather it be intentional or not, it will be FELT and it's up to us to decide how to use it for our highest good.


Available in days
days after you enroll
  Transmutation of Trauma
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Life Path and Purpose
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intimacy & Sexual Science
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Intro to Actualizing YOUR Version of Wealth & Prosperity
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Special Guests and Live Sessions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Integrating Plant and Animal Medicines in Practice
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Closing Remarks and Next Steps
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Quick Message

For those of you who are aware of my background in the esoteric world..GREAT...I want to share some information that some of you may not have known.

Before my journey into this world, my career was in Communications, Media, and Advertising. I've had a long history when it comes to dealing with the entertainment industry as well as corporate america. I'm not new to the world of 'celebrity' or 'professionalism'. One thing both of these worlds had in common was the need for inspiration, creativity, and discipline to make things happen.

Along my journey in these industries, I was introduced to the world of Agriculture and Sidereal Astrology, and through these worlds, I was brought to Tantra. lol. Yeah, that's right, growing food and reading charts led me to Tantra. With these skills, along with being a world traveler already, my clients came from all walks of life. So now that I've been exposed to people of all walks of life, I am assigned to focus on the Creative, the Changemakers, the Innovators.

In this reality, it takes a certain mindset and tribe of like minds and spirits to catalyize the vision of creating a better world, which involves economics and relationship building. Not just in the personal, but also in the world of commerce.

In this phase of life I am being called to offer my tools and talents to those who have big visions and goals and want to integrate their lifestyle of wealth with health. I've already been doing it. As in, during my sessions in Tantric, Shamanic, and Medicine work, I always end up giving some sort of business/creative guidance.

For the past year my clients have been professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners...and it's imperative to keep this momentum going because while we ALL have a part to play, there is just as much importance in creating space for those who are ready to catalyze their vision because this ALL goes together.

No matter if you're there already or are aspiring to be, this Mastermind is for you.